March 03, 2025

Nitrogen product sure to get attention at Greater Peoria Farm Show

PRINCETON, Ill. — When Mike Denton and his team from Hefty Seed Co. in Princeton get to their booth at the Greater Peoria Farm Show, one product in particular will be drawing the interest of farmers, given the uncertainties with nitrogen fertilizer going into 2022.

Pivot Bio PROVEN 40 is made up of microbes that attach themselves to the root of the corn plant. The microbes capture nitrogen from the air and convert it into ammonia that the corn plant can use.

“As long as the corn plant is alive, it’s there. It spoon feeds nitrogen every day to that plant,” Denton said.

Denton found the product about four years ago.

“They were looking for people to trial this product that converted atmospheric nitrogen to plant-available nitrogen. I thought, ‘That sounds fantastic!’ And I called them, but they had everybody they needed for the trial that year. I called again the next year and begged them for some to use on my farm. I kept pestering them and they finally agreed for us to be a dealer,” he said.

The Greater Peoria Farm Show will be held Nov. 30-Dec. 2 at the Peoria Civic Center in Peoria.

For Denton, the nitrogen pinch is something he sees not only as a farmer, but as an agribusiness owner that deals in nitrogen, among other products.

“It’s a tough situation for everybody. Farmers aren’t used to dealing with this kind of a situation with nitrogen. We’ve had lots of customers calling, worried about getting product. When they do get it and haul it home, they feel good so that part of it has been good, to be able to help our customers out in that regard,” he said.

The Pivot Bio PROVEN 40 microbial product allows farmers to replace up to 40 pounds of synthetic nitrogen by applying the microbial product in furrow at planting.

“An average plant needs around 200 pounds of nitrogen a year. Even if there’s synthetic nitrogen present, these microbes continue to make nitrogen all the time,” Denton said.

The company was founded in 2010 by Dr. Karsten Temme and Dr. Alvin Tamsir. The two started their work on finding a safer way to fertilize crops when they were lab partners at graduate school at the University of California.

Denton said he has received an increased number of calls about the Pivot Bio product.

“It’s been a perfect storm because, obviously, any nitrogen is A) hard to get and B) very expensive. Pivot has not changed their price per unit since they started. We still are around 40 cents per unit of nitrogen for this product, even though they have increased the amount of nitrogen you get. This year, when it’s half the price of synthetic nitrogen, there’s been a ton of interest,” he said.

Since Denton has used the product himself, he has been able to talk to farmers and answer their questions about how to use it.

“There was quite a bit of interest, but people weren’t sure what to do first. Do I cut my nitrogen? How do I use this? So, it’s been a bit of a learning curve,” he said.

Another challenge was the application method.

“It goes in furrow and that has been part of the challenge for some farmers. It has to be applied in furrow, it has to be right there with the corn, so when the first root comes out, it grabs onto those microbes. Not everybody has in furrow equipment. So, Pivot has programs to help you purchase an in-furrow system for your planter,” Denton said.

He said the company also carefully monitors timing of shipment of the product. Since the microbes are live, they cannot freeze.

The product is made in the United States and Pivot Bio is based in Berkeley, California.

The Pivot Bio product has proven so popular that the company has sold out of it every year.

“They are expecting to do that again this year,” Denton said.

Denton said anyone interested in more information can visit the Hefty Seed booth at the Greater Peoria Farm Show or they can call the Princeton office at 815-879-8720.

Jeannine Otto

Jeannine Otto

Field Editor