March 15, 2025

Truterra’s 2022 carbon program open for second round of farmer enrollment

Qualifying farmers can earn up to $25 per ton of carbon stored in soil

ARDEN HILLS, Minn. — Truterra LLC, the sustainability business of Land O’Lakes Inc., one of America’s largest farmer-owned cooperatives, announced the opening of an additional one-month sign-up period for its 2022 carbon program.

Truterra enrolled an initial cohort of farmers beginning in December 2021 and is looking to drive additional supply in this second enrollment opportunity through June 30 to meet buyer demand.

After successful verification, farmers can earn up to $25 per ton upfront for new carbon stored in soils.

The 2022 Truterra carbon program builds on the results generated by its 2021 program, which resulted in more than $4 million in payments to participating farmers, who sequestered over 200,000 metric tons of carbon.

Truterra offers farmers greater earning potential by paying based on results — actual carbon stored — rather than a set payment per acre.

“We are extremely proud to be rewarding farmers for their stewardship of their natural resources and the work they are doing to store carbon in their soils,” said Truterra President Jason Weller.

“We continue to learn from farmers and ag retailers and improve our program to best fit their needs and support their transitions to more sustainable practices that will hopefully open up new profitability opportunities for their operations and improve their soil health for the long-term.”

Farmers are paid in full after successful verification and Truterra covers all soil sampling and verification costs, including one-on-one data collection support to save time and ensure farmers can stay focused on their operations.

The Truterra carbon program is delivered through its agricultural retail network of trusted agronomy advisers, including 50 participating retailers across 17 states.

This network, as part of the Land O’Lakes’ ag retail network spanning over 900 retail owners, brings together insights from the entire food supply chain spectrum to inform successful on-farm sustainability approaches.

The full footprint of Land O’Lakes, Inc., including WinField United’s agronomic leadership, provides a unique ability to help customers meet their sustainability commitments while providing new market opportunities for the cooperative system.

The Truterra carbon program offers a unique opportunity for companies and other organizations to support farmers and impact soil health systems across millions of acres, with real results to show for it.

As a result, Truterra recently announced it would be continuing its relationship with Microsoft as a buyer of carbon dioxide removals in 2022 and 2023, in addition to its purchases through Truterra’s 2021 program.

For more information and to get started, visit