March 03, 2025

Indiana Corn Growers Association seeks board candidates for Districts 1, 4 and 7

INDIANAPOLIS — Corn farmers who want to advocate for agriculture to federal and state lawmakers should consider adding their name to the Indiana Corn Growers Association board 2023 election ballot.

The ICGA board advocates for Hoosier corn farmers at the local, state and federal levels.

ICGA’s governing districts match Indiana’s nine congressional districts. In 2023, ICGA will elect board directors for Districts 1, 4 and 7.

“Participation is crucial at every level of the political process. From county zoning boards to the state legislature to the USDA and EPA, we need to keep our eyes and ears open for rules and regulations that may impact how we farm,” said ICGA President Scott Smith, a corn farmer from Windfall.

“If farmers do not participate in the process that creates new policies and rules for Indiana agriculture, then people who don’t understand farming will write those laws. I encourage anyone with a passion for these issues to join us on the ICGA board.”

To be eligible, candidates must be an ICGA member in good standing; own, manage or operate a farm that produces corn; reside in the district they represent; and be current on ICGA membership dues.

The following districts will have elections in 2023:

• District 1, which includes Lake, Porter and the northwest corner of LaPorte counties.

• District 4, which includes Benton, Boone, Carroll, Clinton, Hendricks, Jasper, Montgomery, Morgan, Newton, Putnam, Tippecanoe, White, Warren and parts of Cass, Fountain and Howard counties.

• District 7, which includes most of Marion County.

Finishing their first three-year terms are Tom Murphy, of Chesterton, in District 1, and Tyler Everett, of Lebanon, in District 7. Mike Beard, of Frankfort, is terming off after three terms in District 4.

Election applications are due to the ICGA office by Jan 27. Ballots will be mailed to members in May and must be returned by June 30. Winners will start serving in December.

Go to for more details, to find a district map or download an application.

Submit all completed materials to Amber Myers at