March 03, 2025

Harvest quality documented in report

Marketing tool

According to the U.S. Grains Council’s 13th annual Corn Harvest Quality Report, the 2023 U.S. corn crop is the largest on record with the lowest percentage of broken corn and foreign material to date.

WASHINGTON — The 2023 U.S. corn crop is projected to be the largest on record with the lowest percentage of broken corn and foreign material to date, according to a report.

The U.S. Grains Council’s 2023-2024 Corn Harvest Quality Report found the average aggregate quality of the representative corn samples tested was better than the grade factor requirements for U.S. No. 1 grade.

The report also showed that 88% of the samples met the grade factor requirements for U.S. No. 1 grade and 96.7% met the grade factor requirements for U.S. No. 2.

“The council is proud to produce this annual report that proves the quality and abundance of U.S. corn year over year. The transparency it provides to buyers helps them make informed decisions and takes another step toward developing markets, enabling trade and improving lives,” said Brent Boydston, USGC chairman.

“This crop’s incredible volume allows the United States to remain the world’s leading corn exporter, accounting for an estimated 26.4% of global corn exports.”

The USGC will present its findings to buyers around the world in a series of rollout events that began in China on Dec. 12.

Presentations will continue in India, Korea, Panama and Taiwan through the first quarter of 2024 and aim to offer participants clear expectations regarding the quality of corn for this marketing year.

During these events, crop quality information is accompanied by updates on U.S. corn grading and handling that provides importers and end-users with a better understanding of how U.S. corn is moved and controlled through export channels.

A second USGC report, the 2023-2024 Corn Export Quality Report, will measure corn quality at the point of loading at export terminals and will be available in early 2024.

Brent Boydston


The report is based on 611 yellow corn samples taken from defined areas within 12 of the top corn-producing and exporting states.

Inbound samples were collected from local grain elevators to measure and analyze quality at the point of origin and provide representative information about the variability of the quality characteristics across the diverse geographic regions.


Here are some of the report’s U.S. aggregated sampling findings as the corn entered the export market:

• Test weight of 58.4 pounds per bushel was similar to 2022 and higher than the five-year average at 58.2.

• Broken corn and foreign material in 2023 at 0.5% was lower than 2022 at 0.9% and the five-year average at 0.8%.

• Total damage in 2023 at 0.9% was lower than 2022 at 1.2% and the five-year average at 1.5%.

• No heat damage was found in any samples, the same as 2022 and the five-year average.

• Moisture content in 2023 was 16.3%, identical to last year and similar to the five-year average at 16.4%.

Chemical Composition

• Protein concentration in 2023 at 8.8% dry basis was the same as 2022 and higher than the five-year average at 8.5%.

• 71.9% dry basis dry basis was the average starch concentration, matching 2022, but lower than the five-year average at 72.2%.

• Oil concentration in 2023 at 3.8% dry basis was lower than 2022 and the five-year average, both at 3.9%.

Physical Factors

• Stress cracks in 2023 at 19.2% was higher than 2022 at 6.9% and the five-year average at 6.3%.

• 100-kernel weight in 2023 was 35.52 grams, which was higher than in 2022 at 33.94 grams and the five-year average at 34.62 grams, indicating larger kernels than in previous reports.

• Kernel true density in 2023 at 1.25 grams per cubic centimeter was similar to 2022 at 1.253 grams per cubic centimeter, but lower than the five-year average at 1.255 grams per cubic centimeter.

• Whole kernels averaged 92.5% in 2023, higher than 2022 at 91% and the five-year average at 91.9%.

• Horneous, or hard, endosperm in 2023 at 85% was lower than 2022 at 88%, but higher than the five-year average at 82%.


• In 2023, 99.5% of the samples tested at or below the U.S. Food and Drug Administration action level for aflatoxin of 20 parts per billion, and 93.9% of the samples tested below 5 parts per billion, a higher proportion than in 2022.

• All of the 2023 samples tested at or below the 5 parts per million FDA advisory level for deoxynivalenol. Also, 93.4% of the samples tested below 1.5 parts per million, a slightly lower proportion than in 2022.

• In 2023, 98.3% of the samples tested below the FDA’s strictest guidance level for fumonisin of 5 parts per million, a slightly lower proportion than in 2022.

Tom Doran

Tom C. Doran

Field Editor