March 01, 2025

Calendar: Stateline Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference

ROCKFORD, Ill. — The Stateline Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference will be 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Feb. 17 at NIU Rockford, 8500 E. State St., Rockford.

The conference addresses common issues facing fruit and vegetable growers, providing up-to-date information to ensure a successful growing season and business.

Topics will include:

• Cover Crops and Weed Management in Pumpkins — Nathan Johanning, Illinois Extension.

• Crop Land Management: Thinning Strategies for Unpredictable Weather — Amaya Atucha, University of Wisconsin.

• Incorporating Organic Practices into Your Farm Operation — Richard Tobiasz, McHenry County College and Evergreen Oasis Farm.

• Biological Control in High Tunnels — Kacie Athey, Illinois Extension.

• Updates on Managing Apple and Stone Fruit Diseases — Mohammad Babadoost, Illinois Extension.

• Using Compost Efficiently and Environmentally Friendly on Small Farm — Zack Grant, Illinois Extension.

• Solanaceous Diseases — Babadoost.

• 2025 Pumpkin Variety Review — Johanning.

• Strawberry Yield and Quality in an Organic Production Systems — Atucha.

• Plum Curculio and Stink Bugs in Tree Fruit — Athey.

• Integrating Annual and Perennial Living Mulches in Vegetable Production Systems — Alexis Barnes, Illinois Extension.

• Outdoor and Indoor Specialty Mushroom Cultivation for Small Farmers — Nick Frillman, Illinois Extension.

• Hard Cider Production — Grant McCarty, Illinois Extension.

• Managing Cucurbit Diseases — Babadoost.

• Preparing and Analyzing a Balance Sheet with a Lender — Sarah Hoerner, Compeer Financial.

Cost is $35. Register at

Head Strong

CHESTER, Ill. — The three-part Head Strong brain health series begins 10 a.m. Feb. 17 at Chester Memorial Hospital, 1900 State St., Chester.

Head Strong will explore lifestyle choices that contribute to overall brain health. The Feb. 17 program will cover pen-and-paper brain exercises to create a lifestyle plan that promotes behaviors that positively influence brain health.

Register for this free program at

Grow Gathering

DEKALB, Ill. — The Northern Illinois Grow Gathering will begin at 11 a.m. Feb. 17 at Rooted For Good, 2280 Bethany Road, DeKalb.

Rooted For Good is an example of how small nonprofits are using Local Food Purchase Assistance funding to create lasting changes in their communities. This gathering will include a tour of the Rooted For Good warehouse, followed by tours of the Salem Lutheran Church food pantry, 1145 DeKalb Ave., Sycamore; and Sunny Oaks mushroom farm, 49W630 Plank Road, Sycamore.

Register at

Livestock Quiz Bowl

PINCKNEYVILLE, Ill. — The Livestock Quiz Bowl will be 10 a.m. to noon Feb. 17 at Bigham Shed, 1899 IL-13, Pinckneyville.

4-H members in Perry, Jackson, Franklin, Randolph and Williamson counties will test their knowledge of feed, species, equipment and livestock. Prizes will be awarded to the top three in each age category. There is no cost to attend this event and lunch will be served immediately following the end of the competition.

Register by visiting

Go Without Going

AUBURN, Ind. — The Go without Going virtual reality traveling program will be 6 to 8 p.m. ET Feb. 17, Feb. 20, Feb. 24 and Feb. 27 at the DeKalb County Office Building, 215 E. 9th St., Auburn.

Travel the world and beyond through virtual reality — no passports needed. Session topics will be Cities of the World, Nature, The Ancient World, and Space: The Final Frontier.

Register at

Real Colors

BENTON, Ill. — The Real Colors workshop will be 6 to 7 p.m. Feb. 17 at the Franklin County Extension office, 1212 Rte. 14 West, Benton.

Real Colors is a personality assessment that helps us understand our unique traits and how we interact with others. It uses four main colors — Blue, Gold, Green and Orange — to represent different personality types.

The workshop will include activities where participants can discover their color and learn how to apply this knowledge in their daily lives.

Register at

Sheep Meeting

SALEM Ind. — Washington County Sheep Association Annual Meeting will be 6:30 p.m. ET Feb. 17 at Southern Hills Church, 1645 S. St. Rd. 135, Salem.

The event will begin with a meal sponsored by the Washington County Sheep Association, followed by a short educational program, association business, and updates on 2025 programs and activities. Association annual dues of $10 may also be paid at the meeting.

RSVP by calling the Washington County Extension office at 812-883-4601.

Homesteading Conference

COVINGTON, Ind. — The Bi-State Homesteading Conference will be 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET Feb. 18 at The Beef House, 16501 IN-63, Covington.

This marks the first time the University of Illinois Extension and Purdue University Extension Bi-State Team has put together a conference designed specifically for homesteaders, aspiring homesteaders, and those interested in learning more about sustainable living.

The conference will feature a diverse lineup of engaging speakers, including:

Tabby Flinn, Purdue Extension ag and natural resources educator for Vigo County will present “Adding Bees to Your Homestead,” covering the basics of beekeeping, such as boosting pollination to harvesting honey.

Sarah Hanson, Purdue Extension food systems coordinator, and Rachel Mannen, University of Illinois Extension nutrition and wellness educator, will host a Local Food Panel Q&A session. Hanson will discuss resources for beginning farmers and homesteaders as well as potential outlets for their production, while Mannen will cover food safety and preservation techniques.

Dr. Darrin Karcher, Purdue associate professor of animal sciences, will present “Backyard Poultry,” covering the basics of backyard production, including how to keep birds happy, healthy, and productive.

The cost of $30 includes the full conference and a lunch served by the Beef House. Register by visiting

Garden Toolkit

MONTICELLO, Ill. — DeWitt and Piatt County master gardeners will present the program Your Garden Toolkit, noon to 1 p.m. Feb. 18 at the Piatt County Extension office, 210 S. Market St., Monticello.

This workshop will cover essential garden tools, their uses, and tips to improve your gardening experience. Gain insights into how to select tools that minimize strain and enhance accessibility and enjoyment in gardening.

Register at

Small Fruits

CARTERVILLE, Ill. — Introduction to Small Fruits will be 5:30 to 7 p.m. Feb. 18 at John A. Logan College, Mees Village Centre, 700 Logan College Drive, Carterville.

Looking for a quicker and easier way to enjoy fresh fruit from your farm? Local Foods and Small Farms Educator Bronwyn Aly will explain how small fruit plants are the perfect solution. Unlike fruit trees, these plants establish quickly, allowing you to start harvesting as soon as the same season you plant them or by the next growing season.

Register for this Modern Homesteading Series program by visiting

Taxing Forests

CARBONDALE, Ill. — The Forestry Taxes Webinar will be 6 to 7 p.m. Feb. 18.

Eric Holzmueller, Southern Illinois University forestry professor, will discuss the different types of taxes that forest landowners need to consider, including harvesting, income and property taxes.

Register for this free Beginning Forest Landowner Program at

Making Maple Syrup

DANVILLE, Ill. — Making Maple Syrup will be presented by the Vermilion County master gardeners 6 to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 18 at the Danville Public Library, 319 N. Vermilion St., Danville.

Neil Frazier will guide participants through the step-by-step process of creating syrup, sugar, and maple candy.

Register at

Mental Health First Aid

INDIANAPOLIS — The online program Mental Health First Aid will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET Feb. 19.

Most of us would know how to help if we saw someone having a heart attack — we’d start CPR or call 9-1-1. But too few of us would know how to respond if we saw someone having a panic attack or showing signs of alcohol use disorder.

Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid will explain how to assist and support others who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge.

Register for this free program by visiting For questions, contact Kevin Davis,, 317-275-9255.

Crop Conference

SYCAMORE, Ill. — The DeKalb Crop Management Conference will be 7 4 p.m. Feb. 19 at DeKalb County Farm Bureau, 1350 W. Prairie Drive, Sycamore.

Analyzing last year’s statewide crop trends alongside current research helps to strengthen planning for the 2025 crop year. Taking time to reflect at the University of Illinois Extension Crop Management Conference helps agriculturalists develop strategies around decisions that can impact a farm’s priorities, profitability, and future.

Topics will include:

• Update on Disease Management in Corn and Soybeans — Boris Camiletti, University of Illinois assistant professor,

• Field Weed Research Update — Aaron Hager, University of Illinois professor and Extension specialist.

• Soil Research Update — John Jones Jr., University of Illinois assistant professor and Extension specialist.

• Digital Agriculture Research Update — Dennis Bowman, Extension specialist.

• The Answer (My Friend) Is Blowin' in the Wind — Trent Ford, state climatologist.

• Insect Management in Corn and Soybeans — Nick Seiter, University of Illinois assistant research professor and Extension specialist.

• Agronomics of Corn and Soybean Production — Giovani Preza Fontes, University of Illinois assistant professor and Extension specialist.

Cost is $80. Register at

Conservation Tillage

PRINCETON, Ill. — Sustainability on the Farm — Conservation Tillage will be 10 to 11 a.m. Feb. 20 at the Bureau County Extension office, 850 E. Thompson St., Princeton.

Sustainability on the Farm is a series of educational programs designed to empower farmers and landowners with the knowledge and tools to implement sustainable agricultural practices on their land.

Register at

Tested Bull Sale

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The 2025 Illinois Performance Tested Bull Sale will be 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 20 at the Illinois State Fairgrounds, Artisans Building, Coliseum Lane, Springfield.

The Illinois Performance Tested Bull Sale has been a leader in introducing Illinois seedstock breeders and commercial cow-calf producers to the latest evaluation technologies and practices. The sale has offered some of the best genetics based on performance standards utilized by the beef industry.

During the past 56 years, 4,997 bulls have sold for over $9.5 million. Breeders and commercial cow-calf producers have trusted the Illinois Performance Tested Bull Sale for proven genetics.

Videos of bulls will be shown during the live auction instead of running through the sale ring. All bulls will be on display for buyer inspection during the sale. Halter-broke, as well as docile, non-halter-broke bulls are eligible. Non-haltered cattle will be screened for disposition prior to the sale.

For more information or questions, contact Travis Meteer, Illinois Extension commercial ag educator and beef specialist, at 217-430-7030 or email Visit the website at

Prescribed Fire

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — The Introduction to Prescribed Fire online workshop series will be 1 to 3 p.m. ET Feb. 20, Feb. 25 and Feb. 27.

Learn basics of fire ecology, burn planning, fire safety, necessary equipment and personnel. Differences and strategies for woodland and grassland prescribed fires will be discussed, as well.

To receive a certificate of completion, conservation professionals also must attend one field day offering hands-on training. Field day locations are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET March 11 at Martell Forest, 007 N 725 W, West Lafayette; March 13 at Davis-Purdue Ag Center, 6230 IN-1, Farmland; April 8 at Southern Indiana Purdue Ag Center, 11371 E Purdue Farm Road, Dubois; and April 10 at Southeast Purdue Ag Center, 4425 County Rd 350 N, Butlerville.

Register by visiting

Sponsors include: Purdue Extension — Forestry and Natural Resources, Indiana Conservation Partnership, and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Gluten-free Cooking

JERSEYVILLE, Ill. — Gluten-free Cooking Made Simple will be 6 to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 20 at the Jersey County Extension office, 201 W. Exchange St., Jerseyville.

Uncover what gluten really is, explore its pros and cons in the diet, and learn to identify hidden gluten in everyday foods. Participants will practice creating gluten-free recipes.

Cost is $10. Register at

Dehydrating Produce

FREEPORT, Ill. — The online program Dehydrating Your Summer Produce will be 6 to 8 p.m. Feb. 20.

Dehydrating food is one of the oldest food preservation methods around. However, ensuring your dried goods remain safe and enjoyable for months requires an understanding of the science behind the process.

Cost is $5. Register at

Thriving Plants

BLUFFTON, Ind. — Terri Theisen, an urban soil health specialist, will provide practical tips on building healthy soil and growing thriving plants during the Wells County Extension Annual Meeting, 6 p.m. ET Feb. 20 at Wells County 4-H Park Community Center, 1240 4-H Park Road, Bluffton.

Learn about ways to work with the land to boost productivity and enjoyment. Call 260-824-6412 to RSVP for this free event. For more information, visit

Nursery School

MOLINE, Ill. — Nursery School: Lessons in Gardening will be 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Feb. 22 at Vibrant Arena, 1201 River Drive, Moline.

Whether you’re cultivating your first garden or adding to your expertise, this event offers something for everyone. Horticulture experts will share practical tips, creative ideas, and the latest trends to transform your garden. The vendor marketplace will feature garden-inspired products and services.

Speaker topics will include:

• Perfectly Paired: Plants, Pollinators and You — Emily Swihart, Illinois Extension.

• Plan to Plant Your 2025 Garden: New Plants for Current Trends — Kate Terrell, president of Wallace’s Garden Center.

• Honey and Health: Nature’s Sweet Treat — Kristin Bogdonas, Illinois Extension .

• Jumping Worms: Identification, Impact and Prevention — Chris Evans, Illinois Extension.

• Tapestry Farms: An Urban Farm System in the QC — Ann McGlynn, executive director of Tapestry Farms.

• Elevate Expectations with Raised Bed Gardening — Ken Johnson, Illinois Extension.

• The Enchanting World of Dragonflies and Damselflies — Amy Loving, director of education at Nahant Marsh.

• Landscape Design — Nancy Kreith, Illinois Extension.

Cost is $70. Register at

Joys of Gardening

FREEPORT, Ill. — Joys of Gardening will be 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Feb. 22 at Highland Community College Student Conference Center, 2998 W. Pearl City Road, Freeport.

Speaker topics will include:

• Introduction to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum and the Longenecker Horticultural Gardens — David Stevens, curator, Longenecker Horticultural Gardens.

Secret of Seed Starting — Victor Zaderej, chief technology officer and grower at Happy Leaf.

• Growing Great Apples — Grant McCarty, Illinois Extension.

• Enchanted Spaces: Designing a Whimisical Garden — Bruce Cubberley, executive director, Freeport Park District.

• Indoor Gardening for Food and Fun — Zaderej.

• Branching Out: Choosing the Perfect Trees for Your Landscape — Monica Putnam, owner, Hidden Timber Gardens.

• Fruit Tree Pruning 101: The Basics — McCarty.

Cost is $15. Register at

Winter Birding

OTTAWA, Ill. — Winter Birding will be 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Feb. 22 at Nell’s Woodland, 2000 Alexis Ave., Ottawa.

Attendees will learn about what birds we can see in our area during the winter and be guided on a short hike to put that knowledge into action. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or a curious beginner, this program offers a fun and informative way to connect with nature during the winter season. Hot cocoa and a special craft will be provided by La Salle County 4-H.

Register at

Gardener’s Pathway

SYCAMORE, Ill. — The Gardener’s Pathway and Artisan Market will be 7:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Feb.22 at the DeKalb County Farm Bureau, 1350 W. Prairie Drive, Sycamore.

The event includes a continental breakfast, lunch and door prizes. At the Artisan Market, local artisans will sell garden-related crafts, and local nurseries will sell plants and gardening items.

Keynote speaker will be Kerry Ann Mendez, a nationally renowned garden educator, author and design consultant. She is also the proprietor of Perennially Yours. Mendez’s appearance is sponsored by Proven Winners.

Breakout topics will include: Best New Plants of 2025, Growing Culinary Herbs, Let’s Talk Hostas, Northern Illinois Trees, Gardening Simplified, Seed Saving Basics, Japanese Landscape Design, Grow Your Own Cut Flowers, and Indoor Plants During Winter.

Cost is $50. Register at

Gardening Insights

DECATUR, Ill. — Gardening Insights will be 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Feb. 22 at Life Foursquare Church, 2954 W. Ash Ave., Decatur.

Macon County master gardeners will present a fun, engaging day of classroom-style sessions both beginning and expert gardeners will enjoy. Youth are also invited to join 4-H for crafts, STEM, and gardening activities while caregiver is attending sessions. Items will be available for purchase from a variety of vendors during the event.

Keynote speaker Bill “Mad Botanist” Knight, a professionally trained botanist, experienced gardener and educator, will discuss Common Gardening Mistakes and Misconceptions.

Other speaker topics will include:

• Plants and Pollinators — Ryan Pankau, Illinois Extension.

• Fruit Tree Pruning — Doug Gucker, Illinois Extension.

• Spring Vegetable Gardening — Jennifer Fishburn, Illinois Extension.

• Painted Flowers on Glass — Merry Lanker, Macon County master gardener and master naturalist.

• Shrub Care — Pankau.

• Landscaping: Fact or Fiction — Chris Enroth, Illinois Extension.

•Plant Alternatives (Plant This, Not That) — Fishburn.

• Microgreens — Lois Mumma and Betty Moser, Macon County master gardeners.

• The Native Garden — Elizabeth Jeffery, Macon County master gardener and master naturalist.

• How to Kill Your Tree: A Guide What Not to Do — Enroth.

• Houseplants: How to Care for Them and How They Care for You — Deanna Koenigs, horticulture instructor and greenhouse coordinator for Richland Community College Department of Agriculture; and Shiann Currie, horticulturist and owner of Free Nature LLC.

• Smartphone Photography for Outdoor Enthusiasts — Elissa McGlaughlin, photojournalist and portrait photographer.

Cost is $25. Register at For questions, contact Whitney Allison at 217-877-6042 or

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AgriNews Staff

The Illinois AgriNews and Indiana AgriNews staff is in the field each week, covering topics that affect local farm families and their businesses. We give readers information they can’t get elsewhere to help them make better farming decisions.