Shrimp, once seen as a splurge, has become a frugal choice — not because shrimp prices have dropped, but because everything else has gone up.
A small recent survey revealed that 51% of the retired senior respondents are considering going back to work, also known as “unretiring.”
Testicular cancer is one of the most curable cancers because it is sensitive to both radiation and chemotherapy. However, both of these modalities can lead to problems years after the treatment was successful.
According to author Arthur C. Clarke, “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Look at magic lanterns, which even have “magic” in their name. They were used in Europe by the 1650s.
Here we go again. Because of the avian influenza, many hens have had to be culled, leaving fewer to produce eggs. Supply and demand being what it is, the price of eggs has jumped up again because there are fewer eggs.
A children’s tractor magazine that ceased publication in 2023 after 17 years has been given a second chance.
I have seen many patients with stomach cancer and have never seen this degree of weight loss, but weight loss is very common after removing the stomach.
After many years at the same cost, AARP increased their membership fee to $20 at the beginning of this year. But it’s still a bargain when you consider the additional benefits, savings and discounts that are available.
It’s probably no surprise that the tea trolley emerged in Victorian England.