March 03, 2025

The morel of the story: Mushroom hunting season a go

Morel mushroom hunters must be patient and have a keen eye in order to find this sought-after food.

INDIANAPOLIS — After a rainy start to spring, morel hunting season is in full swing across Indiana.

The morel is one of the best-known edible mushrooms. They range in color from black to blonde and can grow to be a foot tall.

However, most of the time they are 3 to 5 inches long, according to Indiana’s Department of Natural Resources.

Peak times for morel hunting are April through May in Indiana.

Morel hunting requires patience and a careful eye. They can often be found near dead elms, tulip trees and beech-maples, but may pop up in your front yard, too.

Hoosiers can hunt for mushrooms on state park properties without a license — however, the mushrooms they find can’t be sold commercially.

The DNR advises checking with the property office before you start hunting. And never mushroom hunt on private property without permission.

Quick Tips

1. When harvesting morels, pinch or cut the stem just above the soil to leave the base of the mushroom in the soil.

2. Correctly identify the mushroom you pick and plan to eat to avoid consuming poisonous look-alikes.

3. Foraged mushrooms should be soaked in lukewarm, salted water for about half an hour, according to Purdue Food Link.

4. Gently swish them in clean water and continue to rinse until all grit is gone. Cut morels from stem to tip and then rinse the grit from the inside cavity.

5. The easiest way to prepare wild mushrooms is to sauté them lightly in butter or olive oil with a bit of salt.

Morel Mushroom Cream Sauce

This sauce is wonderful on pasta, poured over chicken, beef or venison. It is also an easy sauce for dipping toasted French bread for a tasty and easy appetizer. Source: Indiana DNR Recipes for Indiana’s Wild Game.

Servings: 4


20 to 30 small morels (or 10 to 15 large)

3 tablespoons butter

1 tablespoon flour

1 cup heavy cream (room temperature)



1/2 cup green onions chopped


Heat medium to large frying pan on medium/high heat. Add in butter and morels. Sauté for 5 to 7 minutes until morels are fully cooked. Add in flour slowly and continue to mix constantly, so no lumps form. Slowly add in heavy cream and continue to stir. Reduce heat to low and allow to simmer for several minutes until sauce is thick and creamy.

Erica Quinlan

Erica Quinlan

Field Editor