October 18, 2024

Golden Embers performing July 12

Golden Embers members Rick Metz (left), Robin McPherson and Brian Steffen will entertain the crowd with 1970s music during Historic Farm Days on Friday, July 12.

FAIRBURY, Ill. — A trio of central Illinois musicians will entertain Historic Farm Days visitors Friday, July 12, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Pavilion.

The Golden Embers band is comprised of Brian Steffen, Robin McPherson and Rick Metz, all originally from Fairbury.

“Brian is our lead guitar on a Martin acoustic/electric. He’s just phenomenal what he can get out of that guitar. We try to work minimum equipment if we can, travel light,” Metz said.

“Robin plays bass and drums, and I play drums and bass. Robin and I are siblings and we switch off. We also get a little fiddle here and there and a little bit of harmonica here and there.

“We play a lot of 1970s music. We do a lot of songs and when we’re playing we can see the lips in the crowd singing along with us.

“We perform three hours straight. Every individual in the band picks a song. I’ve been with bands where you have a honcho out front and they say we’re doing this, this and this, and you don’t have a say. Everybody has a say in this outfit. Everybody does bookings. It’s just like a tripod, you have to have three legs for it to stand.”

The trio first played together just as the COVID shutdown began in March 2020.

“We were at a jam session and Brian asked if we wanted to try some three-instrument music. I said I was game if my sister is, so away we went,” Metz noted.

The Golden Embers play throughout central Illinois and have a busy schedule leading up to Historic Farm Days.

“I think we have seven gigs scheduled in June and for a little garage band that’s almost too much, but I’m not gong to say I don’t enjoy it because I love it. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t,” Metz added.

Tom Doran

Tom C. Doran

Field Editor