March 03, 2025

From the Barns: Time for everything

While the grass is green, it certainly hasn’t seemed like spring with the cool temperatures we’ve experienced. Some 90-degree highs are in the forecast, so maybe it will all average out over time. I hope a case of Draxxin isn’t necessary for the cattle to adapt to the new normal.

Fieldwork, manure application and all other dirt-related activities have been on everyone’s radar, but actually getting anything done has been a hit-or-miss proposition. Making hay and wheat harvest is coming up as those crops continue to mature despite the lack of dry soil. It certainly looks like just about everything will happen at once, including the arrival of Brett and Shannon’s new baby, who so far hasn’t taken the cue of arriving while we waited for dry soil. Somehow, I expect it will all work out.

Linda and I have been watching the heifers as they calve. It’s been going really well with a great majority of calves coming without any assistance. We evidently have one sire in the group of bulls we used on the heifers that throws a little bigger calf and we have to be pretty watchful for those heifers bred to him and a few have needed some help with their delivery. We used Lutalyse on the heifers last spring when we selected them for breeding and sort of synchronized their cycles, so we are seeing calves born in waves as a result.

The fat market has held pretty well and we continue to ship weekly. Weights have tended to creep up as the feeding weather has been good. Surprisingly, we’ve had more inquiries for feeder space than I’d have expected with the high cost of feed being such a concern.

The wild volatility of these markets is not for the weak of heart and certainly flavors every conversation. Good luck and be safe during this planting season.

Steve Foglesong

Steve Foglesong

Astoria, Ill.