March 03, 2025

ContraPest continues rat control success

PHOENIX — SenesTech Inc., the rodent fertility control experts and the developers of ContraPest, reported continued growth and success controlling rat populations in both agricultural and urban settings.

In agricultural settings where protecting non-targeted animals and crops is especially essential, the non-lethal and non-toxic product s reducing rat populations often by at least 90%.

It can be used alone or in conjunction with other rodent control methods. ContraPest is available for use in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

ContraPest is being successfully deployed around the United States in agricultural settings, like farms, in food processing and foodservice facilities, as well at zoos and animal sanctuaries.

A single pair of breeding rats can account for generations of rats, as many as 15,000 after just one year. Rats reproduce faster than poisons, traps or any other lethal means alone can eliminate them. That is why fertility control is essential and transformational in combating soaring rat populations.

Rats pose an especially serious threat in agricultural and animal settings, causing millions of dollars in damage to field crops, stored grain and farm equipment each year.

In addition, they are the major carrier for more than 60 diseases that are transmissible to humans, companion animals and livestock.

Fertility control is essential to controlling rat populations since they reproduce so quickly. A male and female base pair can account for generations of rats, as many as 15,000 descendants in just over a year.

Rats reproduce faster than poisons, traps or any other lethal means alone can eliminate them.

“ContraPest is transformational when it comes to eliminating both Norway rats and roof rats in agricultural settings. Without birth control, their population often rebounds beyond its original level within a few months of using traditional rat control methods alone. As one farmer told us, ‘We can’t kill them faster than they reproduce,’” said Ken Siegel, CEO of ContraPest. “It is a safe, sustainable and very effective way to eliminate rats.”

ContraPest is a liquid formulation that is high in fat, sweet tasting and very attractive to rats, which need to consume approximately 10% of their body weight in water each day.

ContraPest targets the reproductive capabilities of both sexes in rat populations, inducing egg loss in female rats and impairing sperm development in males.

When targeting Norway rats that live on the ground, ContraPest is deployed in traditional bait boxes. For harder to reach roof rats, ContraPest has developed the “Elevate” system, which is easily deployed in elevated indoor spaces with multiple options for mounting in the rafters of barns, granaries, attics, lofts and storage and manufacturing facilities.

The suspended bait station is easily accessible by roof rats, but out of the way of people, pets, livestock and food storage areas.

First created by scientists at the University of Arizona, SenesTech developed ContraPest and brought it to market in 2018 after years of testing in urban and agricultural settings.

Most of the agricultural testing was conducted at two poultry farms, one in northern California and the other in Florida.

Rat activity decreased by 95% after 12 months of adding ContraPest to the treatment plan and the farm reported saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage and feed and chick loss caused by rats.

“Within the first three months of deploying ContraPest, we saw a 50% reduction in rat activity, fewer dead in traps and steadily decreasing activity. Within six months, we had zero rat activity. I couldn’t recommend a better product than ContraPest for producers struggling with their programs,” said one pullet farm operations manager.

Currently, ContraPest also is being used by municipalities, including San Francisco and Washington, D.C., which are successfully incorporating ContraPest into their pest management programs.

Municipalities are strategically deploying ContraPest along with other more traditional methods of rat control in large public parks, gathering spots and in neighborhoods with high rat activity to accelerate results and prevent rebounding activity.

Los Angeles County also is mandating that fertility control be part of its rat control programs.

Many local areas are beginning to enact laws banning certain rodenticides that have commonly been used to combat rats. The state of California, in particular, has recently enacted very strict regulation in this regard.

California enacted legislation in January 2021 prohibiting the use of the four major second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides under many circumstances.

Other states and municipalities are considering similar legislation, further accelerating the market for non-lethal, effective pest control alternatives like ContraPest.

To learn more or to order ContraPest, call 866-886-RATS or visit