March 02, 2025

From the Pastures: Decorating with wool

Spent a few days in northern Georgia this week visiting the grandkids. The weather was very pleasant. Even though rain has been scarce there, the grass and pastures are still green. Some pastures with a lot of cows were pretty short. These farmers will probably be supplementing with hay soon. Most people think of chickens in Georgia, but there are also a lot of beef producers.

Have you started your holiday decorating? I am not that far along either. I did see some cute ornaments to make using scrap wool felt. I have a bunch of scraps from the felted coasters I made using my Scottish blackface wool. I am going to dye the scraps in a bunch of different colors and then cut small sweaters out to make stick elf ornaments. The picture was really cute. This should be a fun project with my older grandkids. Scottish blackface wool dyes really well and the colors are very bright.

We have another live fiber sale in a couple weeks. Working on getting some natural Shetland fiber ready in a few different colors. I will not have time to make any yarn. Several people have been into the store asking about yarn. Hopefully, I will get a chance to make some before the holidays.

Right after the live sale is the big shopping weekend, which includes Small Business Saturday. The store is ready, except for decorating. I still have a lot of marketing work to do advertising the event. We usually have a big holiday shopping sale. We love to promote wool. Happy Thanksgiving.

Jane Zeien

Jane Zeien

Belvidere, Ill.