March 01, 2025

From the Barns: Shop gets upgraded

We have completed the shop renovation project we started a year ago and got the heaters installed. This overdue improvement is a game changer. Heated workspace is really making equipment maintenance much less painful, but no less expensive. Parts are through the roof across the board.

It’s a good thing cattle are so valuable because it’s taking several head to pay for some of our projects this winter. Corn and other feed ingredients are creeping higher, but the cattle markets have kept pace, as well. The guys have been revaccinating and weaning calves on days when the weather is nice and hope to wrap that up soon.

Basketball season is winding down and that may free up a little time from some grandsons to do some cow work before track starts in earnest. Cow feeding has been great with the frozen mornings making life at the ranch a little easier as the roadways are pretty solid in the early morning.

This year we had four great-grandbabies scheduled — three have made their appearance, but the last one from granddaughter Josie is playing hard to get. I’m certainly hopeful this last one makes an appearance before we get cranked up for spring.

I’m writing this article from the really nice hospital in Kewanee. Mom took a tumble a while back and then caught COVID and the two issues got her down a little, so we are doing a short stay to recharge her batteries. Old farm girl needs to be healed up before the grass gets green and babies need squeezed.

Steve Foglesong

Steve Foglesong

Astoria, Ill.