March 13, 2025

Hoosier Ag Today collaborates on farm equipment safety video

INDIANAPOLIS — As spring arrives and temperatures rise, farmers across Indiana begin to plant the state’s 15 million acres of crops. To keep motorists and farmers safe this planting season, several state agencies have partnered together to encourage Hoosiers to be alert, slow down and share the road with farm equipment.

Hoosier Ag Today has partnered with these agencies to produce public service announcements urging motorists to be aware of farm equipment on the road.

According to the most recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, farm vehicles other than trucks were involved in 98 crashes across the United States, with two of those accidents occurring in Indiana. The video and audio PSAs present things drivers can do to avoid these accidents.

Indiana State Department of Agriculture Director Bruce Kettler said farmers want to move their equipment as quickly and safely as possible.

“Normally people don’t think of roadway accidents when they think of one of the dangers of farming,” Kettler said. “But, each year, lives are lost due to accidents on our rural roads and highways. That is why we are encouraging motorists and farmers to be cautious this spring. Please be alert, slow down and share the road.”

While the term “farm equipment” encompasses a wide range of vehicles, the most common types motorists will encounter during planting season include sprayers, tractors pulling planters or tillage equipment, and large trucks hauling agricultural products. These vehicles are wide, sometimes taking up most of the roadway, and often travel at speeds no greater than 25 mph.

The audio PSA has been distributed to all Hoosier Ag Today stations around the state for airplay during April, May and June. The video PSA, produced by farm broadcaster Andy Eubank in cooperation with local farmers, is being shared on social media by HAT and the cooperating state agencies, as well as by a variety of farm organizations and agribusinesses in Indiana.