March 03, 2025

Indiana osprey nest moved away from live wires to safer spot

AVILLA, Ind. (AP) — A pair of ospreys that nested near live electrical lines atop a northern Indiana utility pole now have a safer home thanks to a utility crew that moved their nest.

Indiana Michigan Power workers installed a new, stand-alone pole May 5 near the nest the raptors had built on a utility pole inches from live electrical lines in the Noble County town of Avilla.

The crew then carefully moved the ospreys’ nest to the new pole, which was outfitted with a nest support platform and wooden perches for the birds.

By the next day, the nesting pair had accepted their new nesting site, which is not far from their original nesting location, WPTA-TV reported.

Indiana Michigan Power posted several photos on Facebook of the nest-moving effort, which it called “Operation Osprey.”

“We’re happy to report the osprey have been seen in their new home, safe and sound!” the utility said in its posting.

Osprey females typically lay three eggs between mid-April and late May. They incubate for about five or six weeks before they hatch, the station reported.