March 02, 2025

Make grain bin safety a priority

DES MOINES, Iowa — It only takes 20 seconds to become fully engulfed in a bin of flowing grain.

It takes 3.5 hours, on average, to extract someone from a grain bin.

National Grain Bin Safety Week was observed Feb. 19-25 to remind farmers of risks of entering grain bins and to provide safety tips.

Prevent Grain Bin Accidents

1. Do not enter a grain bin with crusted or out-of-condition grain.

2. Never work alone.

3. Never enter a grain bin while an auger is running.

4. Learn alternative ways to break up crusted grain of clogged augers.

As part of Grain Bin Safety Week, Nationwide Agribusiness hosts the annual Nominate Your Fire Department Contest.

The goal is to supply fire departments across rural America with the specialized rescue training and equipment needed to respond if an entrapment occurs.

This year’s contest is open until April 30. To nominate your fire department, visit

“Every year, grain bin accidents lead to countless injuries or deaths and it is everyone’s responsibility to take proactive measures to prevent these tragedies from happening,” said Brad Liggett, president of Nationwide Agribusiness.

“For a decade, Nationwide has been a leader in the fight to correct this industry issue, and while we’re incredibly proud of the efforts and the many partners who’ve made them possible, there is more work to be done.”

Erica Quinlan

Erica Quinlan

Field Editor