March 03, 2025

Support corn tassel development for optimal yields

6 considerations

Chris Ouzts

WESTFIELD, Ind. — The emergence of corn tassels is a pivotal moment in the life cycle of a corn plant.

Supporting this growth phase can significantly enhance yield potential and crop success, according to Chris Ouzts, AgriGold agronomist.

“The appearance of the tassel signifies a major change as plants switch gears from vegetative to reproductive,” Ouzts said. “It’s basically the halfway point in the plant’s life cycle — and it’s where all the moisture and fertility inputs pay off.”

“During tassel and early reproductive stages, corn is highly susceptible to stress. VT/R1 is when the corn is most vulnerable to adverse weather conditions,” he said. “Leaves produce energy for ear and kernel development, and if leaves are injured, then yield is compromised.”

High temperatures are also a concern and can significantly impact pollination.

“Heat increases transpiration rates, which when coupled with drought conditions, can cause pollination problems and impact silk health,” Ouzts said. “When temperatures get above 95 degrees, you start to see pollen viability reduce and silks can die off due to desiccation.”

6 Considerations

• To mitigate stress, maintain adequate water supply and soil moisture.

• Stay on top of soil testing and fertility management.

• Scout weekly for signs of tassel stress.

• Look for insect damage, disease, soil moisture conditions and fertility problems.

• Select hybrids with strong disease tolerance and resistance.

• Add a layer of protection with fungicides.

A strategic approach that supports tassel development is important for optimal corn yields, Ouzts said.

Erica Quinlan

Erica Quinlan

Field Editor