February 06, 2025

Langreck: Between a rock and a hard place

The long, dreary days of winter are upon us, and on top of that are strict restrictions and regulations still in place to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

The days can seem long and unending at times — especially when it comes to making sure six kids get their homework done, laying out their clothes for the next school day and making sure they don’t sneak sugar before dinner.

Despite the curveballs Mother Nature has thrown us — from snow and gloomy weather to sunshine and slightly milder temperatures the next day — I have continued my daily walking. After a while, walking the same path day after day started to seem ongoing to me.

Minus the one part of the walking path I take when I walk through the woods where Mother Nature shines brightly, my walks were beginning to feel monotonous.

I began thinking of ways that could make my walks fun and upbeat and if possible do the same thing for individuals who also use the same walking path.

After realizing I look down and around at the trees and terrain while walking, I remembered an idea I had seen before where people paint inspirational words or decorate them in bright colors and put them in random places to help spread cheer to others.

I decided that decorating rocks and putting them all along the path I walk would help make my walks feel like they had a greater purpose. Plus, my future stepdaughter had fun making the rocks with me and is excited to start making more rocks with my two oldest daughters.

So far, I have probably put about 10 rocks along the path, and while I am not certain if they bring joy to others walkers, or if they have even noticed them, every time I see one a huge smile settles on my face and I feel revitalized and motivated keep going.

Ashley Estes

Ashley Langreck

Field Editor