News and information about birds in northern Illinois
The songbirds you are attracting to your feeders, such as cardinals, sparrows and woodpeckers, are not likely to be infected with avian influenza, or “bird flu.” It generally infects waterfowl such as gulls and ducks.
Nearly a quarter of animals living in rivers, lakes and other freshwater sources are threatened with extinction, according to new research.
California officials have declared a state of emergency over the spread of bird flu, which is tearing through dairy cows in that state and causing sporadic illnesses in people in the United States.
The death of an Oregon house cat and a pet food recall are raising questions about the ongoing outbreak of bird flu and how people can protect their pets.
Sometimes, you just need to let the rest of the world go and enjoy those moments that bring you joy.
There’s not a day that goes by, when farmers aren’t thinking about how to leave the land better than we found it.
The Endangered Species Act turned 50 years old late last month. Signed by President Richard Nixon in 1973, the legislation was expansive and controversial.
How do you get a group of excited fourth-graders to pay attention and learn something about bird migration? You teach them to fly.
Tammy Willis, state conservationist, announced the first application cutoff period for fiscal year 2023 Agricultural Conservation Easement Program wetland reserve easements of Dec. 1.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service in Indiana is investing up to $1.25 million in a Wetland Reserve Enhancement Partnership project.
Wildlife studies have noted significant declines in Midwestern grassland songbirds over the last few decades. The research found the decline correlated with reductions in grazing and hay fields in the region.