Grain and Feed Association of Illinois news
The Grain and Feed Association of Illinois introduced its newly appointed officers and directors following the annual business meeting at the 132nd annual convention and trade show.
The Grain and Feed Association of Illinois announced its newly appointed officers and directors following the annual business meeting held at its 131st annual Convention and Trade Show.
The Illinois Soybean Association, together with Illinois’ other commodity and agriculture organizations, is once again calling for nominations to the Illinois 20 Under 40 Awards.
The Illinois Pork Producers Association is leading a call to members of the Illinois congressional delegation for a legislative remedy to state-by-state livestock production requirements.
After decades of advocacy, education, diligence and tenacity, the Illinois Corn Growers Association celebrated the groundbreaking of brand-new, 1,200-foot Lock 25 along the Mississippi River near Winfield, Missouri.
The farm sector shouldn’t see quite as many transportation-related challenges this year compared to 2022, according to industry experts at the Grain and Feed Association of Illinois’ 130th annual convention in Peoria.
The Illinois Soybean Association and its partners are honored to continue the Illinois 20 Under 40 recognition program in 2023. The program celebrates 20 young farmers under 40 for their work in the agricultural community and beyond.
Illinois is known for two things: the high-quality products it feeds to the world and the high-quality growers who make it happen.
The Illinois Soybean Association funded a pilot project this fall involving the application of a soy-based dust suppressant at Illinois grain elevators.
Twenty years ago, Greg Beck looked at organic and non-GMO grains and dismissed them as a trend that wouldn’t last. Five years ago, the idea that electric cars, fake meat and organic food would ever catch on and become real consumer demand areas seemed farfetched.