Illinois Beef Association news
Members of Illinois Agri-Women gathered for their annual meeting to elect new officers, conduct association business and learn about several Illinois agricultural organizations.
Just as seasons dictate the duties of the agricultural industry, the seasons similarly determine Illinois FFA’s itinerary.
A significant share of a cow-calf operation’s revenue is generated by the sale of cull cows.
The Illinois Beef Association is focused on outreach to all sectors of the beef industry.
My last article had just been sent off when I got word that my good friend, Jamie Willrett, had left suddenly to be with the Lord. This tragic news shook me and the rest of the cattle industry as we all lost a trusted friend and leader.
The last two weeks have been an absolute flurry of activity here at River Oak. I have been involved more with the cows than usual with Carson tied up with chopping triticale and then mowing, raking, baling and hauling the following week.
More weather events are bringing more challenges here at River Oak. The corn is planted, but a few acres will be on the list for replanting due to standing water after frequent rain the last 10 days.
This Illinois Beef Foundation announced eight young people from across the state as 2024 scholarship recipients.
We have some water standing on pastures and fields. I had almost given up seeing that this spring. Looks like some other events may follow. Ponds aren’t full, but have been improved.
Cattlemen learned about options for their operations at the Illinois Beef Expo trade show.
The Illinois Soybean Association, together with Illinois’ other commodity and agriculture organizations, is once again calling for nominations to the Illinois 20 Under 40 Awards.
Three superior members of the Illinois Agri-Women were honored with awards during the group’s annual meeting.
The Illinois Pork Producers Association is leading a call to members of the Illinois congressional delegation for a legislative remedy to state-by-state livestock production requirements.
The second annual Illinois Ag Retail Survey is underway to collect data on nutrient management practices.
Cattle are quite hardy and can handle a lot of adverse weather conditions when they have a heavy winter hair coat.
Taking steps now can help cattlemen prepare for changes in the market. “We are still in the tail end of the liquidation phase, but it seems to be slowing down,” said Ross Bronson, agricultural risk consultant.
Illinois Farm Families’ “We Are the 96%” campaign will resume paid advertising opportunities in January and February, concluding with a Super Bowl commercial for Illinois audiences on Feb. 11.
2023 was a year of wins and continued challenges that will extend into the new year for the corn industry.
Beef production hit an all-time record in 2022. “The increase in beef production in 2021 and 2022 was at the expense of our herd that is our future production and you can’t keep doing that indefinitely,” said Derrell Peel, livestock marketing specialist.
When a mineral feeder is empty for multiple days, there will be implications for an animal’s immune system.
The Illinois Corn Growers Association teamed up with agricultural organizations throughout the state on Aug. 3 to discuss emerging markets and legislation impacting the industry.
After undergoing a rigorous judging process, 20 farmers were identified as the second class of Illinois 20 Under 40 award winners.
The Illinois Livestock Leadership Institute is a combined effort of the Illinois Pork Producers Association and the Illinois Beef Association that provides an opportunity for young men and women to become actively involved in the livestock industry and all of agriculture.
The Illinois Soybean Association and its partners are honored to continue the Illinois 20 Under 40 recognition program in 2023. The program celebrates 20 young farmers under 40 for their work in the agricultural community and beyond.
The Asian longhorned tick could become a problem for Illinois cattlemen.
Testing hay will help to predict animal performance. “We test hay to use it properly,” said Ron Tombaugh, a director of the Illinois Forage and Grassland Council.
Extending the growing season is one of many benefits annual forages can provide to cattle operations.
With the interim nutrient loss reduction goals deadline just two years away, agriculture groups are teaming up to collect verified information of what efforts are underway in fields.
The La Salle County Soil and Water Conservation District announced the Isermann family of Streator is the 2022 Farm Family of the Year.
Matt Rush, a Fairfield farmer, was elected Illinois Corn Growers Association president for 2022-2023 at the reorganizational meeting. Rush has served on the ICGA board for six years, most recently as vice president.
Illinois Beef Association is introducing new producer education opportunities this winter as part of an expanded lineup of the annual Beef Quality Assurance workshops to be held throughout the state.
Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom program remains a trusted resource for children to learn about agriculture, and the program recently received funding to continue classroom lessons thanks to IAA Foundation grants to local county coalitions.
The availability of a variety of feed to finish beef cattle economically has long been an advantage for Illinois producers.
The Illinois Soybean Association kicked off our new fiscal year with a slate full of promising and purposeful projects that place Illinois soybean farmers’ profitability as a top priority by growing opportunities for soybean uses, markets, accessibility and demand.
Crop insurance protection, market access and nutrition programs were among the top priorities expressed in a farm bill listening session held during the Illinois State Fair’s Agriculture Day.
We have had a few showers here at River Oak, but only showers. We are in need of some substantial moisture for growing forage, as well as bringing home the row crops. A few tenths is all we seem to muster, but we know from the news that we should be careful what we wish for.
The goal at River Oak Ranch is to provide the best meal possible every day for the cattle with a regenerative, adaptive, management-intensive rotational grazing system.
Forages are the base component of cattle rations. “When you’re trying to maximize animal performance or keep the animal’s health in tip-top shape, it starts with the animal’s diet,” said Travis Meteer, University of Illinois Extension commercial agriculture educator.
Illinois Beef Association is planning for its annual junior conference, “Engaging, Developing, Growing and Educating,” hosted at the University of Illinois in Champaign.
Our weather has turned dry and temperatures are rising, as well. This has taken us from wanting some respite from rain events to hoping for a cooling and invigorating shower.
Paul Walker enjoys working with Illinois beef producers and is looking forward to continuing his position as president of the Illinois Beef Association.
These are busy days here at River Oak as we prepare to host the Illinois Beef Association Summer Conference field day and Illinois Forage and Grassland Council forage expo. When you read this all will be over and we will have either lucked out with the weather or not.
The Illinois Farm Families Coalition’s consumer engagement campaign to build trust in Illinois farmers and their farming practices was the recipient of the Public Relations Society of America’s prestigious Silver Anvil Award in the “Reputation Management” category.
For the first time, Illinois Beef Association will be hosting its Summer Conference and Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Illinois Forage and Grassland Council Forage Expo on June 7-8 in Macomb.
These are indeed turbulent times. The world is unsettled. We don’t seem clear of COVID. Issues abound in our local areas, our state and nation. And now to add to the chaos, it is an election year and campaigns are as ugly as ever and longer, too.
The Illinois Beef Association announced four new hires to support advocacy and service on behalf of the more than 18,000 cattle farms throughout the state.
Leadership from four Illinois commodity groups and Illinois Farm Bureau advocated for an increase in the Illinois state budget request by $750,000 from the General Assembly’s fiscal year 2023 budget toward the Illinois Department of Agriculture.
Illinois is known for two things: the high-quality products it feeds to the world and the high-quality growers who make it happen.
A Grundy County farmer and former university director have been named to U.S. Department of Agriculture leadership roles in Illinois.
The Illinois Beef Association is holding Beef Quality Assurance sessions across the state. These sessions serve as the beef industry’s best source of continuing education and will provide producers with up-to-date standards and technologies to improve animal welfare and beef quality.