Super Bowl news
We shipped two loads of fat cattle this past week and will ship another this week. Two of these loads were sold cash, and for the first time ever, we sold cattle for more than $200 per hundredweight.
It’s coming up on Super Bowl weekend, and if you know me, you know I’m all in for two reasons: the commercials and the food. Any excuse to host a party, right? And what’s a game day party without a big, cheesy platter of nachos?
Low rainfall levels throughout the Midwest in the late summer and early autumn have caused water levels on the upper and lower Mississippi, as well as the Illinois, Missouri and Ohio rivers, to drop.
Illinois Farm Families’ “We Are the 96%” campaign will resume paid advertising opportunities in January and February, concluding with a Super Bowl commercial for Illinois audiences on Feb. 11.
Some advertising icons have obvious connections to their brands, like Planters’ Mr. Peanut or the RCA Victor dog with his head tilted as he listens to a phonograph.
With a look back at successes and a look forward at the changing face of the Illinois Farm Bureau membership and a list of thank-yous “a country mile long,” Richard Guebert Jr. gave his last President’s Address.
Stopping by Clavin Dairy Farm, chances are you’ll see three generations of the family milking cows. “I started milking when I was 7 years old and my girls probably started a little bit earlier,” said Leanne Casner.
If someone sounds familiar at the Half Century of Progress Show, that will be the voice of Chris Karr. This is the 11th Half Century of Progress that Karr will announce.
Remember French bread pizzas? If so, those memories are likely nostalgic, comforting, cozy, crunchy, soft and warm, with that aroma that made the whole house smell good.
As we head into the new year, I am excited for efforts to make 2023 the “Year of the Farmer.” Illinois Farm Families is also launching a major campaign to build trust in family farmers.
A coalition of Illinois farm associations are joining together to make 2023 the Year of the Farmer with a statewide campaign that launches Feb. 12 during football’s biggest game, the Super Bowl.