Texas A&M news
Among the ways to improve profitability during times of lower prices and high input costs is to implement the 5% rule.
On rural Texas farmland, beneath hundreds of rows of solar panels, a troop of stocky sheep rummage through pasture, casually bumping into one another as they remain committed to a single task: chewing grass.
The 31st annual Cattlemen’s College, sponsored by Zoetis, will be held Jan. 31-Feb. 2 in Orlando in conjunction with CattleCon24. The event draws more than 1,000 attendees every year.
This year, I used a spreader truck instead of an airplane to apply the nitrogen and red clover seed over my dry wheat ground. The next day, I got a 2-inch rain, so I hope it didn’t wash the seed and fertilizer too far.
Six students recently received 2022 Accelerating a Generation Syngenta Scholarships. These students, who are acquiring degrees focused on agricultural pursuits, will each receive a $2,500 scholarship.
There are common misconceptions among those not involved in farming about agriculture policy and some of those myths were debunked by Farm Policy Facts.