February 12, 2025

Tokyo Olympics, U.S. ag are connected

TOKYO — The Olympics are taking place in Tokyo this year, but the turf used on the fields was developed in Georgia.

TifSport Burmudagrass is a dense, fine-to-medium textured grass bred to withstand the high traffic sports fields see, while tolerating herbicides. It was created at the University of Georgia.

And the connections between Japan and America don’t stop there.

Jason Hafemeister, acting deputy undersecretary for trade and foreign agricultural affairs at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, said the Olympics demonstrate the importance of ag trade.

In 2020, Japan moved up from the fifth- to the fourth-largest U.S. agricultural export market, with exports valued at $11.5 billion. This occurred despite a 2% decrease from 2019′s $11.7 billion export value.

“Japan makes history as the first country hosting the international event during a global pandemic and the United States is committed to helping Japan ensure safe and successful Olympic Games,” Hafemeister said in a blog.

“Similar to this fellowship, our two countries recently joined together to implement the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement. In the agreement, Japan committed to provide substantial market access for the United States by phasing out most tariffs and enacting meaningful tariff reductions.

“While we still have more work to do to open the Japanese market to our products and get us on the same level playing field with other exporters, once USJTA is fully implemented, nearly 90% of U.S. food and agricultural products imported into Japan will be duty free or receive preferential tariff access.”

Erica Quinlan

Erica Quinlan

Field Editor