October 16, 2024

European feed group recognizes U.S. soy growers

ST. LOUIS — U.S. soybean production practices were once again recognized by the international community for sustainability efforts.

The European Compound Feed Manufacturers’ Federation has confirmed that the U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol passed stringent, independent benchmarking against its FEFAC Soy Sourcing Guidelines 2021.

The guidelines were updated in early 2021 to provide European buyers with strong assurances regarding sources of sustainably produced soy products, including criteria to confirm “conversion-free” soy, or crops that are produced without the need to convert forestland or natural habitats to farmland.

SSAP was also recognized as compliant with previously FEFAC guidelines set in 2015, and it remains the only nationwide program achieving such certifications.

U.S. soy created SSAP in 2013 to prove its commitment to delivering on this growing customer priority and is an aggregate approach audited by third parties that verifies sustainable soybean production on a national scale.

“It’s becoming more and more evident that sustainability is a significant business driver for businesses both here in the United States and all around the world,” said Jim Sutter, U.S. Soybean Export Council CEO.

“The SSAP was again recognized and approved by FIFAC as being compliant with their soy sourcing guidelines. It gives strong assurances to the customers of U.S. around the world about the background, the foundation, the sustainability of which U.S. soy is produced with.

“It really is a gold standard that this U.S. soy SSAP and all that it stands for provides. That’s really something that’s a source of pride for U.S. producers and it’s a source of importance for the U.S. industry and we believe it should be very, very important for the customers of U.S. soy around the world.”

Tom Doran

Tom C. Doran

Field Editor