March 03, 2025

Bailey emphasizes his farm family roots

LEXINGTON, Ill. — Republican state Sen. Darren Bailey said he is not one to sit idly and just let things happen, which is why he is running to be Illinois’ governor.

Bailey and incumbent Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker spoke separately at the recent Illinois Farm Bureau-hosted agricultural legislative roundtable candidate forum at the Schuler Farm.

“As farmers, we solve problems, we fix things that are broken and we grow things, and having this opportunity that I have, I’m not going to sit idly by and just let things happen. I’m going to work to create change for my children, my grandchildren and for your children and grandchildren,” Bailey said.

“As governor, you know that I’ll be a strong advocate for our farm community. I will aggressively promote Illinois agriculture and work with the industry to create new markets and new opportunities for farmers.

“I’m proud to be a family farmer. I personally think it’s time that we had a farmer in the governor’s mansion so we can get our state growing again.

“The problems of hog-tying our ag community are similar to the boneheaded policies of our current governor, J.B. Pritzker, and his pals who are creating the problems that we have in Illinois.”

Estate Taxes

Bailey said Illinois has one of the highest estate taxes in the country “at a time when even blue states like New Jersey are getting rid of theirs.”

“Estate taxes steal they sweat equity that we farmers and businesspeople spend a lifetime building,” he said.

“The government steals it from our families just to give to Springfield. As governor, I will work hard to repeal the estate tax.”

Eminent Domain

“When the government forces us to sell our land through eminent domain policies that now exist again through the recent energy bill, the state grabs back cash with capital gains taxes. That’s got to stop, and I will work to stop that as well,” Bailey said.

“Our businesses should be able to write off investment costs in the same year that we spend the money, not strung out over decades. We’re being threatened with that again.”


He noted his concern for high energy costs and the fear of brownouts.

“Illinois is not Baghdad, but with our power situation the way it is, it’s starting to look like that. I had several counties in my district two weeks ago that went through a three-hour brownout, first time ever. It’s coming, it’s preventable and it’s got to be addressed.” he said.

“I’m all in for green energy. I see the windmills all around here, but I worry that our climate is changing. We all share that concern. Illinois was once an energy exporter not very long ago. Now, we’re on our hands and knees begging to buy energy from others while our people, our businesses and hospitals worry if they can keep the lights coming on.

“J.B. Pritzker’s climate policies are a little more than impractical virtue signals that cannot succeed with the speed of his promises. We all want a cleaner planet, but J.B. has bet the farm, he’s bet our farms, and he’s throwing snake eyes every time.

“I will manage the energy transition in a way that we can afford and in a way that will keep the lights on.

“Now some people, especially the media, think that a downstate farmer could never topple the wealthiest politician in the country. I say, as I’ve said many times, let them underestimate us. We will show the naysayers the power of hardworking people demanding change.

“Our government is corrupt, but our people are deeply good, and when we stand together, we discover that change is possible. We will show them what is possible when good people refuse to sit on the sidelines and refuse to settle.

“You know you can’t clear a field of weeds, if you don’t pull them out by the roots. Well, friends, the only way to fix Illinois is to fire J.B. Pritzker. We need the grit of a farmer in the governor’s office.”

Tom Doran

Tom C. Doran

Field Editor