March 01, 2025

Illinois Soybean Association celebrating 60 seasons of success

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. — The Illinois Soybean Association will observe its 60th anniversary with special events and commemorations throughout the year.

Over those six decades, ISA has worked, in tandem with farmers and industry, to help Illinois’ soybean farmers grow better soybeans and find new markets for their product.

“For 60 years, ISA has brought farmers, businesses and agriculture professionals together, making our farmers and organization better by association,” said Ron Kindred, ISA board chairman. “As we celebrate our 60th anniversary this year, we’re continuing to build on that idea.”

Funded by farmers who grow soybeans right here in Illinois, ISA supports soybean farmers by investing in promotion, advocacy, research and education to create profit opportunities and drive preference for Illinois soybeans.

Sixty seasons of success for Illinois soybean farmers includes milestones like:

• Illinois was the first state to enact a statewide biodiesel mandate.

• Illinois planted more than 10 million acres of soybeans in 1997 and has had more years of 10 million acres or more of soybeans planted than any other state.

• Illinois is home to McLean County, the top soybean-producing county in the nation.

• Illinois has topped the nation in soybean production nine of the past years.

• Funding multiyear research projects to monitor trends and identify solutions to on-farm challenges relating to conservation, agronomy and pest management.

• Illinois is the largest soybean container exporter in the United States, giving Illinois farmers a strengthened basis and price premium for commodity, identity preserve and non-GM soybeans.

ISA will continue to promote progress in its focus areas with special recognition of the 60th anniversary during ISA events throughout the year, including the Illinois State Fair and Impact Awards, as well as a video docuseries, anniversary merchandise and a commemorative issue of Illinois Field & Bean.

“We know our farmers and our partners are the reason we’re effective and influential here at home and on the national stage,” Kindred said.

“As we celebrate our 60th anniversary, we’re using it as an opportunity to look to the future, imagining a more sustainable, more profitable, more progressive legacy for Illinois farmers.”

To learn more about ISA’s 60th anniversary, visit

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