March 03, 2025

From the Fields: A taste of Indiana

Our sweet corn season is in full swing. We are selling in Galveston six days a week in addition to the Logansport farmers market on Wednesdays. We also sell at the Logansport and Kokomo farmers markets on Saturdays. We purposely staggered the plantings so corn would be ready to sell starting around the Fourth of July.

We continually watch and check our crops. Disease pressure is low. The weeds are under control at this point in time. We have seen minimal Japanese beetles, but nothing abnormal. There is no tar spot in the corn or spider mites in the beans.

Our grandchildren participated in the Cass and Howard county 4-H fairs. They participated in a variety of projects, including showing goats and pigs, shooting sports, electricity, sewing, woodworking, farm scenes, cake decorating, forestry and more. They learn so much from 4-H participation — everything from planning and time management to flexibility and leadership skills.

I also recently participated in a farm bill listening session with Indiana’s senators, Mike Braun and Todd Young. U.S. Sen. John Boozman from Arkansas, ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, also attended the meeting to discuss the farm bill. It’s so important for farmers to share our stories and requests to make sure there is the proper support for the next generation of farmers.

On the farm, we are looking forward to hosting 11 college graduates from the Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance Claims training program on July 29. We always enjoy sharing our story and allowing others to experience a day on the farm, as well as ask questions.

Additionally, the next couple weeks will be busy with the Indiana State Fair. I’m always excited to attend the fair and highlight the important role agriculture plays in our state. I will be at the fair with the INFB Women’s Leadership Committee hosting the 30th annual Taste From Indiana Farms event, which will be held in the brand new INFB Fall Creek Pavilion this year.

Taste From Indiana Farms runs from Thursday, Aug. 10, through Sunday, Aug. 13, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day and features a variety of foods and drinks that contain ingredients Indiana farmers produce. We will have everything from lamb, duck and dairy to corn, soybean, popcorn — just to name a few. I encourage fairgoers to stop by, have a “taste” and learn more about the wide variety of foods grown right here in Indiana.

Isabella Chism

Isabella Chism

Galveston, Ind.